Hope everyone's weekend was fantastic! And your week goes even better *^_^
So it's been a little tiring having to sacrifice so much and pushing through to get to where I want to be in life. But who says life was going to be easy and why would I want things handed so easy to me? I've always been the type to love being rewarded for my blood, sweat, and tears and it could be because of the life i've lived. But in any case I know that my working hard now will mean great accomplishments and playing hard later!! So to those struggling to get to your goals, dreams, and trying to do things amazing for you in life hats off to us all!
Well sorry for no review today I was extremely busy prepping for a BFF from high school coming into town and becoming a possible roomie :) plus i'm studying for a job skill test and possible interview tomorrow! Keeping my fingers crossed would be a wonderful job to have with a great company! Plus I would be working with an old friend again which would be nice right about now :) I'm also waiting on which place we will be calling home.
But I do have other items that have come in and are to arrive so I can do more reviews yay! Thanks to Luanne Storer my Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant was nice enough to send my perfume samples I requested along with other goodies for reviews. Along with mascaras, foundations, eyeshadows, fix +, and so much more!
Hope the rest of your week is great and i'll be posting tomorrow!