What a long weekend and start of the week but a WONDERFUL day it was! Went in for some interviews for a job and looks and sounds great *^_^ Super excited because it's an AMAZING company to work for and i'm so honored to even get as far as I have!!
So much to talk about so many reviews coming up I know I know I keep talking about it haha. Waiting for some more items to come in and I need to pick up so I can get a contest going :) I think I'll just sit down over the next couple of days since i've got all the photos together for the reviews and just bump them out and set them up to be automatically posted on dates and times desired. Makes it easier for me and don't want you guys to be bored here haha.
Late on sharing this but wanted to share a great love package my cousin Tanya sent me for my Birthday complete surprise and just brightened up my year!! Loves it thanks so much T you're amazing and I swear you know me so well *^_^ Can't wait to bombard you and Dave with a surprise visit down in SD!! Be aware haha!
LMFAO this is why I love my friends so much especially my crazy fun friend Brandon. Getting random texts from him and having silly convos like this on the iPhone with him are why the kid cracks me up...
Power to the dorks LMAO
Hope everyone's week is going great so far! If you haven't already hit up Kohl's one of the many places that's been having some GREAT back to school sales and just insane sales period!