
Mayhem & Coming Contest

Things have been so crazy the past few days but with good mixed in as well.  So i've mentioned several times that i'm in the process of new job and new place.  I talked to the realtor of the condo I wanted to move into and yay things worked out great so that'll be happening very soon :)  Now just waiting on the job part I hope I hear back for that this week as well!

I've been packing and cleaning like crazy it's ridiculous.  To make it all worse I got sick over the weekend with a crazy stomach flu like bug still trying to recoop from it blah.  Happy to announce that the prizes i've been waiting for finally came in so once i've moved i'll get all the prizes seperated and have the contest.  Don't wanto to give too much away but there will be 3 winners chosen and it'll be open to international participants as well.  Yay!  It'll be my first official contest/giveaway so I want to make it good :)

Also while with everything going on I am trying to get back to my duties for DanoAM.com and DMM.com man I need to revise my schedule for efficient time management.  Anyways just wanted to do a quick update.  I've decided to also go ahead and post some pics and initial thoughts/reviews on things i've won and bought over the past several months.  To help get things out and going plus i'm so random that I know when I really love a product i'm going to do a raving blog review about it later haha.  Hand in hand with the good the truth will also come the harsh truth, sorry but I won't sugar coat things even if it's being sponsored.  Yes I know everything works different for everyone but just because I won or was sponsored for a review or giveaway of a product I won't say yeah it's great go get it just because.  Honesty and straight forwardness is the only way I like to go when it comes to reviews whether i'm giving it or getting it from another.

Fair warning to everyone as well i'm not going to only do the top brands I believe dynamite comes in all packages no matter how big or small the price is on it.  Plus i've used some from both worlds and believe me there's some great cheap dups out there, especially if you're hitting hard times or want to put your money towards other things like traveling and so on.  Plus where I would love to buy the more top of the line brands all the time I just don't have the funds for it, at least not right now.  But if you'd like to request a review especially a comparison review by all means contact me and i'll make it a point to specially get the products for that :)

Alright well I should be heading to bed now so i'll be posting more later today and please bare with me over the next week or so, i'm slowly changing my blog layout :)  Have a great rest of the week everyone!