

It's time for another...

There always seems to be a mile long list of things to do and not enough time to do it all. LOL don't you find yourself need at least another 5 or 6 hours in a day just to get the things that need to be done daily actually checked off? No wonder so many out there always talk about needing to spice things up. It's tiring trying to just keep up the regular flow of your schedule going haha.

So for the sake of all the madness i've decided to focus on...

+ Conforming a new structure in all my schedules and re-organize not only to make my life a little easier on myself, for myself but also to be able to enjoy it more as it should be.

+ Come up with creative and budget friendly ideas for my birthday this year which is only 12 days away :) haha

+ Pump myself up more so that I have an even more intensely positive and reassure vibe and attitude when I go into interviews than I already give. It's hard to stay motivated with optimism in this current economy and still job hunting after months and months... but those feeling my pain we will get through it and things will be better in time.

I think that's a pretty good goal set for this coming week to focus on! Hope everyone as always has a great and wonderful weekend! I know I didn't clear out the contests that have ended already on the contests and giveaways widget and i'm sorry. I'll get on it as soon as possible. I do also plan to have a few reviews up this weekend on some great items that I had the honor of winning and just can't imagine not having now :)